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Livro Impresso

New techniques on soft soils

Almeida, Márcio (Editor)

Soft soils, new techniques


An essential reference for designers and practitioners involved in soft soil construction, New Techniques on Soft Soils provides a comprehensive view of current experiences and opinions of researchers and professionals from different parts of the world involving site investigation, design and construction on soft clays.

Metadado adicionado por Editora Oficina de Textos em 09/11/2017

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ISBN relacionados

9788579750687 (ISBN do e-book em ePUB)

Metadados completos:

  • 9788579750021
  • Livro Impresso
  • New techniques on soft soils
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  • 1 ª edição
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  • Almeida, Márcio (Editor)
  • Soft soils, new techniques
  • Técnicos
  • Civil / Solo e Rochas (TEC009150)
  • --
  • 2010
  • 01/01/2010
  • Inglês
  • Brasil
  • acima de 12 anos
  • Livre para todos os públicos
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  • 16 x 23 x 1.5 cm
  • 0.713 kg
  • Brochura
  • 344 páginas
  • R$ 179,00
  • 49019900 - livros, brochuras e impressos semelhantes
  • --
  • 9788579750021
  • 9788579750021
  • --
  • --
  • --

Metadados adicionados: 09/11/2017
Última alteração: 09/11/2017


SECTION 1 - Site Investigation, Vertical Drains and Surcharge

Keynote Lecture
The interaction between reinforcement and drains and their effect on the performance of embankments on soft ground - Rowe, R.K.; Taechakumthorn, C.

Preloading design based on long term extensometer readings. A comparison of alternative models - Alonso, E.E.; Gens, A.; Madrid, R.; Tarragó, D.

FEM simulation of vacuum consolidation with CPVD for under-consolidated deposit - Chai, J; Bergado D.T; Hino, T.

Improvement of ultra soft soil for the reclamation of a slurry pond - Chu,J.; Bo, M.W.; Arulrajah, A.

Reinforced test embankments on Florianopolis very soft clay - Magnani, H.O.;Almeida, M.S.S.; Ehrlich, M.

The Role of In Situ Testing on Interactive Design on Soft Clay Deposits - Schnaid, F.; Consoli, N.C.; Dalla Rosa, F.; Rabassa, C.

Vacuum consolidation, vertical drains for the environment friendly consolidation of very soft polluted mud at the Airbus A-380 factory site - Varaksin, S.

SECTION 2 - Piled Embankments. Granular Piles and Deep Mixing

Keynote Lecture
Deep mixing to improve the stability of embankments, levees, and flfloodwalls constructed on soft clay - Filz, G. M.; Adams, T. E.; Navin, M. P.

Numerical Simulations and Full Scale Behavior of SDCM and DCM Piles on Soft Bangkok Clay - Bergado, D.T.; Suksawat, T.; Saowapakpiboon, J.; Voottipruex, P.; Jamsawang, P.

Full-scale experiments of pile-supported earth platform under a concrete flfloor slab and an embankment - Briançon, L.; Simon B.

Piled embankments in the Netherlands; how to decide, how to design? - Eekelen, S.J.M. van; Venmans, A.A.M.

Consolidation settlement of stone column-reinforced foundations in soft soils - Han, J.

Modeling of ground improvement using stone columns - Weber, T.M.

Soft soil Improvement - The Vibro Replacement Techniques - Wehr, J.; Wegner, R.; Felix dos Santos, M.

SECTION 3 - Monitoring & Performance

Keynote Lectures
Overview of Brazilian construction practice over soft soils - Almeida, M.S.S; Marques, M.E.S.; Lima, B.T.

Soft soils improved by prefabricated vertical drains: performance and prediction - Indraratna, B.; Rujikiatkamjorn, C.; Wijeyakulasuriya, V.; McIntosh, G.; Kelly, R.

Analysis and Control of the Stability of Embankments on Soft Soil: Juturnaíba and other Experiences in Brazil - Coutinho, R.Q.; Bello, M.I.M.C.

Tall buildings in Santos City: unexpected behavior of the old shallow foundations and the newly long piles - Massad, F.

The Embraport pilot embankment - primary and secondary consolidations of Santos soft clay with and without wick drains - Part 1 - Rémy, J.P.P.; Martins I.S.M.; Santa Maria P.E.L.; Aguiar V.N.; Andrade, M.E.S.

The Embraport pilot embankment - primary and secondary consolidations of Santos soft clay with and without wick drains - Part 2 - Rémy, J.P.P.; Martins I.S.M.; Santa Maria P.E.L.; Aguiar V.N.; Andrade, M.

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