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Livro Impresso

Mitos y leyendas
Guía ilustrada de su origen y significado

Wilkinson, Philip (Autor)

spanish books, libro en espanol, spanish books for adults, books in spanish for adults, books in spanish, libros en espanol, norse myths, myths and legends, hindu mythology, african mythology, book of greek myths, chinese mythology, world mythology, roman mythology, japanese mythology, celtic mythology, egyptian mythology, greek mythology, norse mythology, greek myths, myths, fairy tales, anthology, anthropology, sociology, literary


Explore global mythology with this comprehensive visual guide

Discover the world's greatest myths and legends - from Greek mythology to Norse mythology - in this comprehensive guide.

What did Japanese mythology say about the beginning of the Universe? How did Oedipus become the classic tragic hero in Greek mythology? Who brought about the origin of death in Maori mythology? Combining vivid retellings of famous legends with over 1,000 illustrations of characters, famous artworks, and artifacts, Myths and Legends makes it easier than ever before to understand the stories that are central to every culture.

Metadado adicionado por DK (Dorling Kindersley) em 12/06/2020

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ISBN relacionados


Metadados completos:

  • 9781465497642
  • Livro Impresso
  • Mitos y leyendas
  • Guía ilustrada de su origen y significado
  • 1 ª edição
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  • --
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  • --
  • Wilkinson, Philip (Autor)
  • spanish books, libro en espanol, spanish books for adults, books in spanish for adults, books in spanish, libros en espanol, norse myths, myths and legends, hindu mythology, african mythology, book of greek myths, chinese mythology, world mythology, roman mythology, japanese mythology, celtic mythology, egyptian mythology, greek mythology, norse mythology, greek myths, myths, fairy tales, anthology, anthropology, sociology, literary
  • Idiomas e referência
  • Contos de Fadas, Contos Populares, Lendas e Mitologia (LIT022000), Referência (HIS030000)
  • --
  • 2020
  • 10/03/2020
  • Espanhol
  • Brasil
  • --
  • Livre para todos os públicos
  • --
  • 19.84 x 23.5 x 3.12 cm
  • 1.179 kg
  • Capa Dura
  • 352 páginas
  • US$ 26.00
  • 49019900 - livros, brochuras e impressos semelhantes
  • --
  • 9781465497642
  • DK
  • --
  • --
  • --

Metadados adicionados: 12/06/2020
Última alteração: 12/06/2020

Áreas do selo: Idiomas e referência


Para mentes curiosas Acreditamos na magia da descoberta.

Por isso, criamos livros que exploram ideias e despertam a curiosidade sobre o nosso mundo. Das primeiras palavras ao Big Bang, dos mistérios da natureza aos segredos de cidades, encontre em nossos livros o conhecimento dos maiores experts, horas de diversão e inspiração inesgotável. O estilo visual único dos livros da DK torna mais fácil e prazeroso satisfazer sua curiosidade.

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